Thursday, August 26, 2010

Photographs I Adore

We have briefly talked about it, but I think our next vacation is going to be a Road Trip down into the United States hitting places like San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas.  
Even just the thought of going soon, got me all excited about the lovely places along the way. 
It will be epic!

I love Road Trip photos {Especially ones from the desert} There is just something about them. Maybe it is the fact that we don't have a whole lot of desert up in Northern & Central Alberta?

 All photographs sourced from weheartit

1 comment:

cb said...

i have been dying to go on a road trip but just haven't been able to find the time!
i am sure you will have so much fun! i have done the drive from northern cali (where i am from) to seattle, wa and it is SOO beautiful!
